So why the the heck do I call it "ZenMarketing"? Well if you've been to my site you'll know that I'm a big fan of what I call "The Art of Ease"... doing things a certain and uncomplicated way to achieve maximum results. I have grown into this philosophy over the years as a trained athlete, professional musician & educator, and as studied business owner and entrepreneur.
While I DON'T do "rah-rah" and hype, I am all about being inspired and inspiring others to achieve great things. If this is the first time you've stumbled upon my blog, I hope you'll come back from time to time. Better yet, subscribe because my posts will almost always give you marketing & mind-set food for thought.
Until next time, here's wishing you every success in your ventures online and off!
ZenMarketer![]() Michelle (ZenMarketer) is a successful on and offline entrepreneur, musician & educator, internet marketer and HUGE movie buff that loves to garden, cook, eat, drink and be merry!